One day while taking a ride in the country, Duke spotted a
sign advertising "Horses for Sale" and stopped to have a look. He noticed two horses way in the back of the property who
were skin and bones,had feet that were a foot long, and had the look of death in their eyes. He offered the fellow selling
them $500 for the pair, and was shocked to be handed registration papers. After nursing the horses back to health, he finally
got around to looking at and sending in the papers for owner transfership and was amazed to discover that the horses he had
purchased were full Davenport Arabian horses. To our surprise, we started recieving phone calls from all over the United
States from people excited to discover the whereabouts of the horses we had acquired. Little did we know that our worlds
were about to change forever!
There is a magical history attached to Davenport horses and, along with owning one of
them, you inherit a huge family as well. I would refer you to our section on Davenport history to read more about this topic.
would like to thank Dawn Woods, Charles and Jeannie Craver and Carol Lyons for their invaluable help in *trying* to educate
us about these wonderful creatures and look forward to learning more.
We have expanded our business to incorporate
our Horse Motel and have known great pleasure in meeting all the people and critters who have passed through our gates. Please
come and visit us if you are in our area, if only just to look around and enjoy what we have been enjoying for years. We
are people (and animal) friendly!  |